Thursday 21 June 2018

All About Cold Pressed Oil in Bangalore

As you all have heard since childhood that oil is very important for the body. In one or two way it is extremely good for the body. This is why our parents use to feed different seeds, vegetables, nuts etc. Also, they are just not confined to one oil; they use a number of oils for different purposes.  It is all because to add the essential nutrients and heat in the body. But the point is all about the quality that what quality grades you are using and how are you cooking it or consuming it. 

This is why cold pressed oil is in trend. Cold pressed oil is considered to be the best quality oil as it extracted through cold pressing in which the seed is crushed and the oil is forced out. Well looking at the demand of oil, it is even available online and you can get cold pressed oil in Bangalore.

How is this process basically done?

The seeds are crushed in a cylinder having a rotating screw that crushes and grinds the seeds. This process is done till the oil come out. Then this passes through the holes designed in the cylinder and gets collected in the collection container. In this process, some of the heat is also generated by the friction that helps in breaking the seeds. 

As mentioned above it can be purchased online then yes it is good to cook rice in it and you can red rice buy online that is extremely good for health.

Well after this process it is important to know about the uses of cold pressed oil.    

See the use of it, is not confined to one single use only i.e. cooking. In fact, it is used in a number of ways and also every oil either sesame or coconut, they are extracted in this cold pressed form only. Well, it has multiple uses as mentioned like marinades, dressing and in baking. They get extremely light and absolutely fit for these purposes. Also the oil of the nuts like almonds, jojoba etc. are used for the cosmetic purposes. Also, some are used as supplements as well. 

As you know that it is used in cooking there is an amazing benefit of it that it enhances the taste and flavor of the food. But one thing needs to be kept in mind is that it is better to cook on low flame as they don’t react well to the heat. While cooking keeps this technique in mind and cooks safely. High temperatures are intolerable for cooking. 

Friday 15 June 2018

Get Complete Health Benefits With Barnyard Millet

Millets have always been my first preference when it comes to looking for health. I can compromise with anything but not with millets. It is something necessary and important as well to maintain body fit and healthy. Just something uncommon and above all the grains barnyard millet is an extremely rich source of protein. There is a number of benefits that we can avail from it. It is basically nature’s gift that has come up as a cure to a number of diseases.

Some of the top points to consider and to add barnyard millet in your diet now are:

1.    You need not worry about the calories as millets are highly digestible. Also, they are high in protein content which automatically reduces the caloric density in it. You will feel more energetic after its consumption. 

2.    Well, you get the extremely rich source of fiber through the millets. Whether soluble or insoluble you get the best amount of fiber through it. Well, reduction in fiber in the body causes a number of diseases and weakness and if taken in proper amount then body have lesser chances for bloating and cramping. 

3.    For the sugar patients, it is the best food with low glycemic index. It has become very important for diabetics because barnyard millets are easily digestible and do not form any kind of heaviness in the body. It helps in less discharge of starch. You can buy it by sitting at home through online grocery shopping Bangalore.

4.    There is 0% gluten presence in barnyard millets. There are many people among us to whom gluten does not suit. They just can’t tolerate it and want absolutely gluten-free food for which millets are perfect. Also, they are extremely easy to cook and amazing in taste. Rice contains a certain level of gluten which is just not good for health so yes barnyard millets can be an alternative to it. 

5.    Many times doctors must have recommended you millets if your body is lacking in iron. It has been researched that millets are extremely helpful for the people having a deficiency of iron. Among all the grains barnyard millets have the highest content of iron. 

It sometimes becomes tough for the vegetarians to cope up with the weakness because they have lesser food to get enriching diet. This is why barnyard millets are considered to be the best having the good amount of protein, iron and many others.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

What Is The Benefits Of Red Rice And Black Rice?

Our food and diet is incomplete without rice! It is something we definitely need with Dal, chicken curry or any other curry vegetable. Also some are huge fans of rice that once in a day they definitely need it. But there is one problem with it as well that along with the taste it adds on weight as well and also some other problems; if eaten in excess. Hence results come out as dieting. It is somewhere an enemy for the one who are trying to lose their weight. But yes you have an alternative as well with which you should be aware and try to replace your normal white rice with the black and the red rice ones. Are you listening it for the first time? Well they have so many benefits attached to them that after knowing you will not even waste your day in getting it. 

1.    The red rice is one of the finest varieties of rice which is beautiful in color and rich source as antioxidant. It is having a property known as anthocyanins that is beneficial in number of ways. It reduces allergy risks, cancer chances, inflammation and obviously weight management as well. Apart from this it has number of other sources as well like calcium, magnesium and manganese. It makes your teeth and bones strong as well. Also you will be protected against several infections. Also as it is lower in carbohydrates counts so it minimal the risks of blood sugar and are good for diabetics as well for whom rice is somewhere ban. 

2.    Then comes the forbidden black rice about which people were not that much aware but because you can find black rice online; people are becoming more aware about it. It was basically served in ancient China as royal food and the normal people were not aware of it. These were considered to be the healthiest food unlike the other food. It is very shiny in its texture and is good food for health. Well but this does not remain black after cooking as they turn into purple color. It beats the level of any other food and is richest source in providing fiber, vitamins, protein, iron and many other nutrients. It is good for liver, heart, kidney and stomach lowering the risk level of diseases. 

They are not a very popular form of rice because of less availability but surely the healthiest option for food.

What to Look for When Buying Foxtail Millets Products

Called as Kangni/Rala in Hindi, Foxtail Millets had been a staple ancient diet for our grandparents, it is us, the new age health consci...