Thursday 27 September 2018

What to Look for When Buying Foxtail Millets Products

foxtail millet online
Called as Kangni/Rala in Hindi, Foxtail Millets had been a staple ancient diet for our grandparents, it is us, the new age health conscious people that have made it a part of our everyday diet now. From cookies to chapattis, we have accepted it as our daily food to be consumed on regular basis to stay fit. The countless benefits that it provides, from helping the diabetic people to control sugar levels to help in reducing weight, foxtail millet is now advised by doctors as its nutritious and far better than the white rice that we consume. A rich source of phosphorus, it fulfills most the requirement of most of the nutrients hence, is one of the favorite food of celebrities and common people. If you think, it's rare to find in the market, then you must search for foxtail millet online and be assured to buy the best quality at the best prices. However, we list a few features of the best Foxtail Millets products that you can look into while ordering for yourself:

Go for unpolished products : As different brands are competing with each other in the online and offline marketplaces, so they tend to cheat you with the inferior quality products at the low price but before buying them make sure that they are unpolished as it might contain high chemical content that can affect your body in many ways. Do not go by the look as the polished foxtail millet will look quite appealing, rather go with quality so that instead of harming your body it gives full nutrition.

Buy organic : It is important to note that foxtail millets can be grown easily without using any pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, which eventually harm our body. It can be grown by the adopting the most eco-friendly ways hence can be 100% organic. There are many brands available online including Jivabhumi that that offers you the best quality food organic grains at the most affordable price. Hence, when searching for foxtail millet online, do visit Jivabhumi. Compare and then buy.

Read the specifications : With online shopping, you get the benefit of reading each and every bit of information even before buying. So, in the case of Foxtail millets products also do get deeper and study about the details from manufacturing to expiry date, how to use the product and the important if it is FSSAI approved or not. 

However, while keeping all these factors in mind and buying foxtail millet online, be sure that you don’t buy something at a very high cost considering it the purest form of the product. Do check the other websites for the best price.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Use Groundnut Oil For Balanced Organic Diet

organic groundnut oil
Groundnut oil, commonly known as peanut oil is full of vitamins and minerals and is mostly preferred by those who want to take the healthiest route in life and does not want to consume the normal vegetable oil that is highly harmful in nature. As the name suggests, the groundnut oil is prepared from groundnut and is organic in nature, but not always. Many-a-times it so happens that the oil is so much processed that all the nutrients from it are filtered and the leftover is sold in the name of big brands, therefore it is always suggested to buy organic groundnut oil online from the most trusted brand. To help you make up your mind, fully to switch to peanut oil, here we list the most important reasons why to use it as an everyday cooking oil.

Good for heart : While most of the oil that we consume results in the increase of bad cholesterol in our body thus giving birth to trillions of heart diseases, Groundnut oil, on the other hand, increases only the good cholesterol level thus keeping our heart from the dangerous diseases including blockage and heart attack.

Skincare solution : Rich in Vitamin E, Groundnut oil should be a part of your daily regime as it protects your skin from blemishes and wrinkles and makes it look forever young. It also adds to that complete glow that you look forward to in the most expensive creams of the world. To all the ladies, here we reveal the secret to looking forever young and that is organic groundnut oil which is easily available in the market.

Strengthens immune system : Strong immunity is an important factor when it comes to your overall health. On one hand, where your everyday cooking oil might diminishing the strength of your body, groundnut oil works wonder and fights viruses to protect you from various diseases. Hence, it has medical properties too.

Decreases the chance of cancer : The deadly disease – Cancer is spreading at a very fast pace and to safeguard your body from such a disease, you need to take baby steps and start improving your food habits first. Hence comes the importance of organic groundnut oil that has been scientifically proven to reduce the impact of cancerous cells in our body.

Regulates blood pressure  : For those face, blood pressure issues its high time you switch to peanut oil as it reduces in the stress and controls blood pressure.

Hence, for many problems that you face every day, there is one easy solution,  organic groundnut oil that keeps you healthy and fit.

Monday 17 September 2018

Top Two Benefits of Coconut Oil

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the most common oils that we see is heavily used in the Indian household. There are several reasons why this oil has gained such high popularity. Right from skin treatment, hair and body care, coconut oil have enormous usage in the Indian household. Coconut oil is found to have healthy saturated fats that tend to have different effects than most other fats that you take in your diet. These fats have the capacity to boost fat burning and also supply your body and brain with high energy. They can also raise the good HDL cholesterol in your blood. This is often linked to reduced heart disease risk.

    Most fats that are present in the diet are known as long-chain triglycerides, but the fats that coconut oil contains are known as medium chain triglycerides. this means that the fatty acids are shorter than other fats that you see. When these fats are consumed, they go straight to the liver. There they are used as a quick source of energy and often they turn into ketones. Ketones have strong benefits for the brain. Experts are studying it as the treatment for conditions such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s etc.
There are tremendous benefits that one can get from Cold Pressed Coconut Oil. What are they? Here we are going to discuss that. 

  • Coconut Oil Can Increase Fat Burning - one of the biggest health problems in the world happens to be Obesity. Although, most people tend to believe that obesity is only a matter of calories but the truth is, other compounds and elements affect the body and hormones as well. The medium-chain triglycerides present in coconut oil naturally balance calories in the coconut oil. It can increase the amount of you burn as compared to the same amount of calories from longer chain fats. As per the latest study, it has been found that 15-30 grams of MCTs per day can enhance 24-hour energy expenditure by 5%. And that totals about 120 calories per day.
  • Coconut Oil Can Kill Harmful Microorganisms - The 12-carbon lauric acid that coconut oil contains makes up about 50% of the fatty acids in it. When a person digests lauric acid, it develops into a substance called monolaurin. Experts have found that Both lauric acid and monolaurin have the potential to kill harmful pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. Along with cocnut oil, Cold pressed groundnut Oil also contains enormous health benefits.

Get coconut oil now and enjoy its benefits. 

Thursday 13 September 2018

Buy Natural Organic Millets Online in Bangalore

millets in Bangalore
In a day and age where people are growing awareness about their eating and living styles, it’s no surprise that you would see people buying fancy or different food items. Millet has become relatively common these days as it has emerged as a group of variable small-seeded grass that is cultivated throughout the world. The purpose of its cultivation is both for human consumption and livestock feed. Most people have noticed that it is grown in developing countries but it must be noted that it can be grown in relatively harsh, arid, and dry environments and this ability makes it a great option for many countries.

There are several varieties of millet available around the world and it has been noted that the most common cultivar is pearl millet otherwise known as Pennisetum glaucum. If you go back to its history, it was first originated in Africa and later on, it spread through the Middle East and Asia. It is known for its ability to survive in harsh conditions and that makes it a perfect crop and highly preferred. In India, over 8 million tons of these grains are cultivated every year and the rate is followed by Africa and China. You can now find millets in Bangalore and find the benefits related to it. 

Many times, millets are treated as a traditional cereal and it can be prepared into snacks, porridge, and other types of bread which may have the high quantity of starch. It tends to be a wonderful source of nutrients, minerals, vitamins and organic compounds that may have a great capacity to significantly boost human health in several ways. The most attractive feature of millet is that it is gluten-free. It can be a great basic food staple and is often praised as the simplest and most valuable diet around the world. It provides energy, fat, and B-vitamins.

One of the best possible grains that you should add to your diet is Millet as it wonderfully protects your heart. Millet is a solid source of magnesium and has the important mineral that can be beneficial to reduce blood pressure and the risk of stroke, heart attack and it's particularly found in the case of atherosclerosis. These days we find millets in organic store online in Bangalore. You can easily get it from there. If you are looking for a way to decline your blood pressure and optimize your circulatory system, millets are a wonderful way to go.

What to Look for When Buying Foxtail Millets Products

Called as Kangni/Rala in Hindi, Foxtail Millets had been a staple ancient diet for our grandparents, it is us, the new age health consci...