Tuesday 30 January 2018

What Is Forest Honey and Why Is It Special?

You are familiar with the natural honey that is collected by the bees from different flowers. There are other varieties of honey that is rare to find but has more positive features. The forest honey is different from natural honey as the bees collect it from trees. The aphids eat the tree sap and secretes sugary syrup that is called honey dew. The trees and aphids are from the Mediterranean region that is cut off from the civilization. Several websites sell the special honey online that is not available easily in the markets. This type of honey is darker than the normal honey and is stronger in taste. It is used extensively as spreads, used in combination with other food items like meat, cheese, etc.

Benefits of Forest Honey
The pure forest honey is highly beneficial to the human health as it has several nutrients that can nourish the body. The properties that makes it special from the ordinary honey are;

•    Highly Nutritious
It contains small amounts of several nutrients like Potassium, Niacin, Vitamin C, Folic acid, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Sodium, Selenium, Phosphorous, etc. It enhance the body with these nutrients that can promote health.

•    Anti-Bacterial 
The anti-bacterial properties found in the honey is similar to that of the properties in the hand pound turmeric. It helps soothe allergic problems, cough, cold, and respiratory issues without any side effects.

•    Low GI
It has low glycemic index that will not cause weight gain. It is a healthy alternative that do not cause increase in body weight.

•    High Antioxidant Properties
It has high antioxidant properties that will eliminate free radical from the body. It prevents the cell damage in the body that cause premature aging. The free radical accumulation causes diseases in the body.

•    Instant Energy
It contains natural sugar that can give instant energy to the body without causing any harmful effects in the body. It increases energy levels by providing vitamins and minerals.

•    Cosmetic Properties
Like hand pound turmeric, it can eliminate black heads from the skin, unclog pores and improve texture of the skin. You can rub the honey on your face to get the glow back in the skin or use it as face mask for better results.

You need to check the purity of the honey before using it. The presence of contaminants like pollens will not give the desired positive effects. Always buy products from a trusted source to ensure great quality and reliability. Buying fake products can only lead to loss of money with ill effects on the body. Buy pure natural products without any adulteration from reputed websites.

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