Friday 6 July 2018

What are Benefits of Adding Kodo Millet to Regular Lunch?

The scientific name of Kodo millet is Paspalum scrobiculatum. It is generally grown in tropical regions and it suitable for growth in extremely dry weather conditions and drought lands. It is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It is another common millet which is found in every Indian kitchen. Some of the common names which are used to refer to the Kodo millet are the Harka, kodoa, varagu, kodra, kodoa, etc. Kodo millets are available at all stores anywhere in India and the millets in Bangalore are known to be the best variety. It is considered as a Wholesome food due to the high amount of lecithin. It also contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, and vitamins such as Folic acid, niacin, B6, etc.

Benefits of adding Kodo millet to your regular lunch:

Contains antioxidants:
The Kodo millet is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. These are known to perform antimicrobial actions and prevents the growth and spread of bacteria such as the Enterococcus faecalis, and other such bacteria that affects the human body.

Kodo millet is the perfect food to include in your everyday lunch if you are a diabetic patient as it can reduce the blood glucose levels in your body maintain and balance it. It increases the insulin level in your body and releases antidiabetic compounds that keep you Hale and healthy. 

Helps in weight loss:
The Kodo millet is a must eat food if you plan on reducing your weight and prevent obesity. It contains high amounts of fiber and enables you to maintain the body mass index and prevent the rise of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your body.

Anti-cholesterol and anti-hypertension:
Another vital reason as to why you should include the Kodo millet in your everyday lunch is due to the fact that it is anti-cholesterol and anti-hypertension. Most women who enter into the postmenopausal stage begin to exhibit signs of high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and rise in the cholesterol levels. Kodo millet helps in controlling all of the above and keep set constant. Several doctors recommend the regular consumption of the Kodo millet.

It is quite easy to cook:
Kodo millet can be cooked quickly and is an excellent substitute for rice. You can use it in a variety of dishes and it is suitable for all kinds of recipes and ingredients. One of the main benefits of Kodo millet is that you can eat it at any time of the day whether it is for breakfast lunch or dinner.

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