Monday 6 August 2018

Benefits You Need to Know before you use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a highly healthy saturated fat oil which is more beneficial than any other fat oil or foods and when you consume these fats, it works as a quick source of energy as they go straight to the liver by turning into Ketones. The coconut oil has its benefit as it not only helps in improving HDL cholesterol levels but also helps in maintaining a good health of your heart, skin, hair, support weight loss and also improves digestion and shield against several infections as well. Coconut oils are available in 2 forms, ie, Cold Pressed Coconut oil and the other is in refined form. The benefit of using the former is its flavor and the antioxidant retention.

The use of coconut oil also depends on your geographical location as well. The population from the western part of the world highly consumes coconut oil mainly due to its health benefits and secondly due to its affordable price. In our country, the people from the southern part like Kerala uses coconut oil, whereas in the north they use mustard oil. People from Gujarat generally use Peanut oil. The peanut oil or Groundnut Oil price is more than the coconut oil but the health benefit is almost same, which tends people to use coconut oil more. 

There are certain health benefits of coconut oil, which includes:

Healthy Heart: Coconut oil has a special Lauric acid which is highly beneficial in several heart problems like high blood pressure, cholesterol etc. as the HDL cholesterol is helpful in maintaining a healthy heart. The intake of this oil is helpful for women by maintaining a healthy lipid profile in pre-menopausal phase.

Skin Care: Everyone wants a beautiful glowing skin and coconut oil serves this purpose as well. It is used as a moisturizer for every type of skin and does not have any side effects. It helps in preventing skin dryness and flaking. 

Hair Care: The coconut oil is the best way to grow your hair thick, long and strong as it very effective in reducing protein loss. It also acts as a conditioner and helps the damaged hair to re-grow. A regular massage on your hair nourishes the scalp and makes it free from dandruff and lice.

Weight Loss: Coconut oil is very helpful for people suffering from obesity. The cold-pressed coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acid which helps in reducing excessive weight and reduce abdominal obesity, especially in women. This oil is easily digestible as compared to other oils. 
Improves Digestion: As discussed, the coconut oil is useful in improving the overall digestion and fights against several digestive related problem and diseases. The fat present in the coconut oil has an antimicrobial property that fights various digestive related bacteria and parasites.

Coconut oil due to its health benefit is highly recommended and if you are looking to change your cooking oil, then coconut oil is the best replacement for it. 

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